A previously unpublished cartoon strip. Here are Abie and Os at a burial at sea. To “lose the number of one’s mess” was seaman talk for dying – one of many euphemisms for it. To die without the help of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A previously unpublished cartoon. Abie and Os are seen ashore, waiting near a ship’s boat, presumably for an officer who is off on an errand.
Cartoon strip published in Warships IFR magazine in December 2010. The depiction is the working of a gun, showing Os with a sponger, used to douse the fragments of burning paper and powder left after the firing of the gun,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A previously unpublished cartoon strip. The Andrew is one of the seamen’s names for the Royal Navy. If you want to know more about this name, go to the website page “Naval Stuff” and look it up in the dictionary[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Published in Warships IFR magazine in November 2010. This is a one-off ‘political’ cartoon, expressing the general fear that the current UK government will blindly cut vitally necessary naval platforms just before they are going to be needed in some[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A previously unpublished cartoon strip. In contrast to last mid-month’s post, the boys here are enjoying (somewhat less!) the climate further north, or south. You will all know that ‘spliced’ refers to being or getting married; you may not realise[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Published in Warships IFR magazine September 2010. Abie and Os are relaxing on the starboard forechain, where the mast shrouds are attached to the hull – a popular hidey-hole on board, where privacy is rarer than a purser’s largesse. ‘Jimmy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…