Is There Anyone Else?
Published in Warships IFR magazine Feb 2010.
If it was one of the crew that gave the heavenly advice to Os, then he was pretty nifty with his lighting effects.
"AB & OS" is a cartoon following the colourful lives of two sailors during the time of the Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815). The strip has been regularly featured in Warships IFR magazine (Published monthly) until recently. I'll be adding new cartoons here as they are published.
Hopefully, as well as putting a smile on your face perhaps you'll learn a little history of the period so be sure to read the descriptions for each comic if something zooms right over your head like a jumbo jet.
And check out the Roots page for Abie and Os's background, the Come Ashore page for a bit more fun and the Naval Stuff page for a bit more learning. If you want to spend some money, then the Shop page or the Donate button will be of interest to you.
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