Paying Off
Cartoon strip first published in WARSHIPS International Fleet Review magazine in March 2013. Unfortunately, this may be the last one, as WIFR have decided to ‘have a break’ from AB & OS for a while – and we all know when the writing is on the wall. So, buy a copy because it could/should become a valuable collectors’ item in the future. Of course, it might not.
HMS Sardonique is getting paid off into Ordinary when she gets home. Ordinary is where they keep warships that may be of use later on, so they are kept in good order, but not fully manned or equipped.
I think Os’s and Abie’s dreams are self-explanatory. Privateers are warships licensed by the state to attack vessels of an enemy state, ostensibly in reprisal for misdemeanours by that state against our shipping. Licensed piracy, in other words.
The Pusser is the purser, notoriously venal.
Keep watching this website. I won’t let it die out just because WIFR need a rest.
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